Performance in the context of ACTUS I, cellar of Les Brasseurs: three pictures in action

Prologue in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

object: piggy bank

First picture  in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

objects: a piggy bank with audience money, a flask of my blood, newspapers about stock exchanges and banks

Second picture in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

objects: three orange balloons with three coins, three flasks of my blood, a trough, a box laughing, newspapers about obituary

Third picture in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

objects: an harmonica, a bassine of water,three flasks of my blood, a box  laughing, a belt, newspapers


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