Oma/dgo a la homoi sen limoï

Festival IMMAF, Yangon. Copyright: New Zero/ Béatrice Didier

Artpotheek, Brussels. Copyright: Bruno Alvarez/ Béatrice Didier

PAersche event, Kunstlerforum, Bonn. Copyright: Boris Nieslony/Béatrice Didier

 Perfocilinne evening, Artpotheek, Brussels. Copyright: Bruno Alvarez/ Béatrice Didier 

Oma:dgo al la 'homoï sén limoï is a performance which was created in june 2012, from the list of countries in esperanto language.
Oma:dgo al la 'homoï sén limoï was presented at the Kunstlerforum in Bonn in the context of Paersche events, at the Artpotheek in Brussels, and at the French Alliance of Yangon Institute in the context of the IMMAF festival which was organized by New Zero.
Thanks to WBI for their support for my presence at the festival IMMAF.


Copyright: B.Didier/ Luis Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ Luis Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ Luis Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ Bruno Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ Bruno Alvarez

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/ Bruno Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ Bruno Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ Luis Alvarez

Copyright: B.Didier/ BrunoAlvarez

Earth is a performance which was created in the context of  VISIT 2012, at the gallery 10/12.
An intervention on a work of drawn by Daniel Piaggio Strandlund.
A physical dialogue of two hours with earth and water.

Performance in the context of ACTUS I, cellar of Les Brasseurs: three pictures in action

Prologue in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

object: piggy bank

First picture  in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

objects: a piggy bank with audience money, a flask of my blood, newspapers about stock exchanges and banks

Second picture in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

objects: three orange balloons with three coins, three flasks of my blood, a trough, a box laughing, newspapers about obituary

Third picture in action

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

Copyright: Béatrice Didier/Pietro Pellini

objects: an harmonica, a bassine of water,three flasks of my blood, a box  laughing, a belt, newspapers


About ACTUS:

Into Your Arms in Chennai, 31/12/2011

Copyright:  K. Sampath

After the cyclone Thane which ravaged the area, on 31th december 2011, at 7am, i start to walk on Marina Beach. I walk and i try to know how to tell in tamil " Would you please take me in your arms?" Difficult to find an answer. So i start to walk, deleting all advices that friends gave me: " Be carefull. In Chennai, police is very strong. ", " Chennai is very closed. Never they will accept or understand you", " Chennai is too traditionnal to follow you, to understand you ",... But Chennai is the first city where i puted my feet some years ago when i discovered India. So it,s out of question for me to cancel this.

On the beach, i can listen to children and birds and waves.

Copyright:  K. Sampath

On the beach, on this 31th december, some families and couples are walking. And accept or refuse spontaneaously my request; Without any question.
From the beach....
Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier

Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier
To the sea....

Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier

On the way, a bird passes above my head...
Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier
and reminds me again this sentence of Pessoa : " Cross bird, cross and teach me to cross...."
And like this i go in my own way, with this question: " Would you please take me in your arms?" " Would you please give me a hug?"
Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier

And even if the fisherman doesn't understand english, he finally accepts and asks for some fotos
Copyright: K.Sampath/B.Didier

And on the way to leave Marina Beach, at the bus stop, i don't forget the arms of this woman. The sweetness of her arms....
Copyright: K.Sampath/B.Didier

At the Avenue Express, at 10 am, like in a city mall in Kolkata two years ago, i feel people more distant. Is it because of the place? Is it because of the class of people? Most of women looked at their husband who give them their authorization to hug me... Most of sellers looked around to see if it should be a problem for the camera, the customers of colleagues....

Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier

Or maybe the reason is that in this kind of places, people doesn't have time for any question or request?
Copyright: K.Sampath/ B.Didier

Life is in streets, in parks, on beaches,  in markets but not in these commercial centers which start to invade the country and destroy the city life, like everywhere.

Thanks to Karthick Sampath fo shooting and to Rajesh Rajagopal for accompanying


STUDIO21 cordially invites you to an evening of Art Performance
by Béatrice Didier

Thursday , January 5, 2012
from 5:30 p.m

Manas Acharya
Studio 21
17L, Dover Terrace
Kolkata 700 019
Tel:2486 6735
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