In Life/Alive, Helsinki, 12 june 2011

Photo/copyright: M.Richelle

Photo/copyright: A.Ahonen

Photo/copyright: A.Ahonen

Photo/copyright: A.Ahonen

Photo/copyright: A.Ahonen

Photo/copyright: M.Richelle

Photo/copyright: M.Richelle

Photo/copyright: M.Richelle

Photo/copyright: B.Didier ( some days later...)

Objects: biodegradable ballons, bucket, packet, pen, rope

Material: stones, red pigment, chalk powder, water

Some actions e.g to cover stones with white, to blow up white balloons to write dates on white balloons, to release white balloons in water, to dive, to swim, to write some words from  Ave Passa from Pessoa on the white stone

Place: Siltasaarenkärki, Helsinki:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1259&bih=598&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
Organisation: LAPSody Festival:
With the support of WBI:
To see more about TEAK: