Ash Rain, Nijmegen


Photos ©Béatrice Didier and Lilia Scheerder

Asregen is the last part of the triptych Vulkaanuitbarsting / Horror Vacui / Asregen. At the end of 2016 the Volcano erupted and Extrapool was filled with explosive performances in sound and image. After the violence of this first event, the air was not immediately cleared. A number of artists felt attracted to this and filled the space with theatrical performances during Horror Vacui. Now the air has finally come to a standstill and the ash is whirling down in the venue. The mess of the past will foul the soil, but eventually new life will be born from the fertile ashes. Extrapool invites Vaida Tamoševičiūtė, Ronald Bal and Beatrice Didier to transfer both the apocalyptic and the hope of recovery to the audience. Lilia Scheerder